NBC’s “Hardball” host Chris Matthews used Thursday night’s airing to give Hillary Clinton a new defense for what happened during the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya: “Sometimes you get killed.” Speaking to a panel of guests, the host said that the […]
Video Archives
US spy agencies heard Benghazi attackers using State Dept. cell phones to call terrorist leaders
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com The terrorists who attacked the U.S. consulate and CIA annex in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 used cell phones, seized from State Department personnel during the attacks, and U.S. spy agencies overheard them contacting […]
Trey Gowdy brings ‘zeal for the truth’ as head of House’s Benghazi panel
Rep. Trey Gowdy‘s rise from obscure South Carolina backbencher to chairman of the House‘s new special Benghazi committee took a quantum leap last October, when he stole the show at an otherwise mundane Republican news conference about the terrorist attacks. While only in his second term, […]
Hillary Clinton Still Blames ‘Hateful’ Youtube Video For Benghazi Attack
GET VIDEO Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has released the chapter of her new memoir Tough Choices dealing with the terrorist attacks in Benghazi. In an exclusive preview to Politico’s Maggie Haberman, a defensive Clinton challenged her critics but […]
MAY: A road map to get to the bottom of Benghazi
CNN President Jeff Zucker says his network may not bother to report on the House select committee hearings looking into the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi. The New York Times has pre-emptively dismissed them as “partisan.” Eugene Robinson, a […]
Susan Rice On Benghazi: ‘Dang If I Know’
GET VIDEO!!!! National Security Advisor Ambassador Susan Rice is back in the news this week over the Benghazi attack, after she spoke a few days ago during a lunch to honor women in foreign policy — and the topic turned […]
New Benghazi Panel GOP Aide Lobbied For Liberal Groups
The new executive director of Benghazi select committee has a somewhat unexpected background: he lobbied for the American Civil Liberties Union. Philip Kiko, the Benghazi panel director chosen by Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy on Thursday, represented the ACLU on […]
Lanny Davis to Lead Benghazi ‘Truth Squad’
Former Clinton special counsel Lanny Davis says he plans to lead a “truth squad” to counter accusations coming out of the Benghazi select committee hearings. Davis will lead a group of volunteers “in front of the hearing room of the Gowdy […]