Just days after author and terrorism expert Brigitte Gabriel made headlines for firmly responding to American University law student Saba Ahmed’s question during a panel discussion about Benghazi, TV host Sean Hannity decried radicalism and challenged Ahmed, a Muslim, to also speak […]
Washington Post characterization of Benghazi panel falls flat
A Heritage Foundation panel focusing on the Benghazi controversy went a bit off topic when an American University law student named Saba Ahmed took the opportunity to ask a question: “I know that we portray Islam and all Muslims as […]
Milbank Exposed
By: Frank Gaffney Jr. I had a ringside seat on Monday as a “mainstream media lapdog” performed for his masters in the Obama administration. What made it a man-bites-dog story, though, is that theWashington Post’s Dana Milbank was so abject […]
Benghazi Panel Says Select Committee’s Work Will Be an ‘Uphill Battle’
By: Melissa Quinn It’s been nearly two years since the terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, and we still have not come close to the truth. And if we ever are to find out how Ambassador Chris Stevens […]