Hillary Clinton

Five questions Hillary Clinton still needs to answer

By Michael Ingmire Published June 17, 2014 FoxNews.com Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com Welcome to the Hillary Clinton soft focus “Hard Choices” book tour, tales of post-White House struggle soothed by $200,000 speaking fees, her dubious accomplishments seen and […]

Doesn’t Hillary Clinton Know the Law?

By: Victoria Toensing In her interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer last week, Hillary Clintonsaid “I was not making security decisions” about Benghazi, claiming “it would be a mistake” for “a secretary of state” to “go through all 270 posts” and “decide what should be […]

Hillary Clinton and ‘Hard Choices’ for America

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com I’m seriously thinking about writing a collection of nursery rhymes for informed children. Here’s my first crack at it: Hillary, Billary Bob Hillary Billary Bob Mrs. Clinton needs a job. Hard choices to make, […]

No Apology for Benghazi in ‘Hard Choices‘

Helle Dale / June 11, 2014 In “Hard Choices,” Hillary Clinton’s new memoir, the former secretary of state attempts to answer the critics of her handling of the Benghazi scandal. Yet she completely fails to do the one thing that […]