By: Melissa Quinn It’s been nearly two years since the terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, and we still have not come close to the truth. And if we ever are to find out how Ambassador Chris Stevens […]
June, 2014
Benghazi: The Difference It Makes Is Accountability
by Andrew C. McCarthy I’m proud to be chairing a volunteer organization called the Benghazi Accountability Commission. We are going to be holding a conference at the Heritage Foundation in Washington this afternoon, titled “Benghazi: The Difference It Makes Is […]
US spy agencies heard Benghazi attackers using State Dept. cell phones to call terrorist leaders
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.comThe terrorists who attacked the U.S. consulate and CIA annex in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 used cell phones, seized from State Department personnel during the attacks, and U.S. spy agencies overheard them contacting more […]
Sources: DOD memo sent after Benghazi attack listed suspects with Al Qaeda ties
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.comA targeting memo sent to the State Department by the Defense Department’s Africa Command two days after the Benghazi attack listed 11 suspects with ties to Al Qaeda and other groups, counter-terrorism and congressional sources […]
Hillary Clinton and ‘Hard Choices’ for America
Watch the latest video at I’m seriously thinking about writing a collection of nursery rhymes for informed children. Here’s my first crack at it: Hillary, Billary Bob Hillary Billary Bob Mrs. Clinton needs a job. Hard choices to make, […]
No Apology for Benghazi in ‘Hard Choices‘
Helle Dale / June 11, 2014 In “Hard Choices,” Hillary Clinton’s new memoir, the former secretary of state attempts to answer the critics of her handling of the Benghazi scandal. Yet she completely fails to do the one thing that […]
Chris Matthews’ Benghazi defense for Hillary Clinton: ‘Sometimes you get killed’
NBC’s “Hardball” host Chris Matthews used Thursday night’s airing to give Hillary Clinton a new defense for what happened during the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya: “Sometimes you get killed.” Speaking to a panel of guests, the […]
Oops! Hillary lets the cat out of the bag on Benghazi paper trail
The interviews promoting Hillary Clinton’s new book are serving as a test drive for a presidential run, and she has just encountered a serious bump in the road. Despite obvious effort put into crafting careful rationalizations of her miserable record […]
Clinton Uses ‘Hard Choices’ Book Tour To Steer Benghazi Message
[Click here for audio at NPR] Republicans have been using the 2012 attack in Libya against her. Analysts say while Hillary Clinton is talking about Benghazi, she is defining the issue herself well ahead of any political campaign. Transcript: DAVID […]