On Sept. 11, 2011, an Armenian carrier from Albania landed in Benghazi, Libya. It was carrying 800,000 rounds of ammunition originating from Albanian surplus stocks. Three of those stocks belonged to armed forces of the United Arab Emirates, according to […]
April, 2014
The Massive Amount of Weapons Meant for Libyan Rebels That Actually Ended Up in Terrorists’ Hands
Up to $500 million worth of weapons intended for Libyan rebel fighters ended up in the hands of terrorists since the country’s uprising began in 2011, former senior military officials and current members of the intelligence community told TheBlaze. Those weapons, […]
Source: U.S. Knew Weapons and Aid Were Going to Al Qaeda-Linked Militants in Libya
A U.S. businesswoman and paid CIA and FBI informant in Libya who said she was a good friend of Ambassador Christopher Stevens’ told TheBlaze the Obama administration knew that weapons and aid were ending up in the hands of Al […]