
The Benghazi Accountability Coalition (BAC) is a citizens group of individuals and organizations dedicated to restoring the sacred trust between the United States government and the American people, especially including those sent abroad to serve in harm’s way. The official failures that led up to the attacks on our mission in Benghazi, Libya on 11 September 2012, the decision to deny military support to Americans under assault, and the administration’s campaign of duplicity that followed must be investigated thoroughly and the results shared with the American people.

Those responsible for these failures should be held accountable, and the actual organizers and perpetrators of the attack must face justice. The BAC applauds the formation of a Congressional Select Committee under the leadership of Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and will follow its proceedings with close attention. Likewise, the BAC will stand ready to monitor the political arena for inaccuracies, propaganda, and spin and will move aggressively to correct the record as appropriate. Our ultimate objective is to see justice served, trust in our leaders re-established, and America’s stature and credibility in the world renewed.